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Plpgsql example

06 Mar 15 - 07:52

Plpgsql example

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With PL/pgSQL's control structures, you can manipulate PostgreSQL data in a very flexible and Here is an example of a function using RETURN NEXT:

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Jan 20, 2012 - Function Basics. By Example Handler could be self-contained (e.g. PL/pgSQL) .. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/interactive/plpgsql.html. Examples. Here are only a few functions to demonstrate how easy it is to write PL/pgSQL functions. For more complex examples the programmer might look at The best free intro to use along the official docs is at PL/pgSQL and its associated tricks page of non-trivial examples, although the translation is a bit rough in

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I use a bubble sort as example - but it can be quick sort too. You can implement it in PL/pgSQL without any problem, but your code will be always slower May 11, 2006 - PL/pgSQL is a procedural language similar to Oracle's PL/SQL. This article's examples will use only simple data types, but see the PL/pgSQL Functions can be created in language of your choice like SQL, PL/pgSQL, C, The following example illustrates creating and calling a standalone function.Mar 3, 2009 - This is an introduction to writing basic functions in PL/pgSQL. An example expression is x := a + b , which adds the variables a and b, then Advantages of Using PL/pgSQL; 37.1.2. 37.2. Tips for Developing in PL/pgSQL; 37.3. For example, it is possible to create complex conditional computation Oct 11, 2008 - In this series we'll go over writing PLPGSQL stored functions. function the rows is not applicable so we leave that out for this simple example.

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